Spanish Mater Ecclesiae - St. Peter's Square Mosaic Holy Card

Mary Mother of the Church
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Dimensions shown below only apply to shipping dimensions. See product description for more information.

Height 8.00 (in)
Width 5.00 (in)
Depth 2.00 (in)
Availability Most of our paper products are kept in stock and ship in 1-2 days, but there is sometimes a chance stock will run low and we need to re-print an item for your order. If you have a firm deadline, please leave a comment at checkout.
Source This item is designed and printed at our Steubenville workshop.

Laminated pack: contains 25 cards.
Paper pack: contains 50 cards.

Share your faith with this beautiful holy card! The 2.5"x4.25" holy card features a stunning image of Mater Ecclesiae - St. Peter's Square Mosaic with a quote on the back.

In 1980, a group of university students were in an audience with the St. Pope John Paul II and pointed out that among all the holy images in the square, there were none of Our Lady. Seeing that the square was not complete without her, work was already underway to correct this. The project took on the additional weight of gratitude, after the pope was shot in 1981; he credited the Holy Mother with saving his life. Thus, he chose to depict her as the Mother of the Church because of her closeness to her children, indeed the whole church, in times of adversity. By winter of the same year, the mosaic was completed, in place of where a window once stood. Underneath the Madonna and child is the coat of arms of Pope St. John Paul II and his motto “Totus Tuus” (totally thine). The image is based on Our Lady of the Column, Mother of the Church, which stands above a side altar inside St. Peter’s Basilica.


"Bajo tu manto,
oh Madre de la Iglesia,
oh Modelo de todos los cristianos,
tus hijos sobre la tierra
buscan tu intercesión
e imploran tu Misericordia.

Inspira a tus hijos, los clérigos –
todos los diáconos, sacerdotes, obispos,
cardenales, patriarcas y nuestro Santo Padre–
a obedecer a tu Hijo y difundir su evangelio
con firme convicción, lealtad a la verdad,
e indefectible amor sobre todas las cosas.

Guía a tus hijos, los fieles laicos,
cuando llevan la luz de Cristo
a los confines de la tierra: las grandes salas,
los locales pequeños, donde quiera que se viva
la vida.

Oh Madre de los santos,
oh Refugio de los pecadores,
guíanos a casa finalmente, a tu
Iglesia triunfante donde tu
reinas como Reina de los ángeles
y Reina de los cielos.


IMPRIMATUR: +Most Reverend Jeffrey M. Monforton,
Bishop of Steubenville


( HC-SP4094 )

This item is designed and printed at our Steubenville workshop.