St. Anthony with Jesus Banner Stand

St. Anthony
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Height 4.00 (in)
Width 35.00 (in)
Depth 4.00 (in)
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This banner stand is 78" tall by 33" wide and features the image of St. Anthony of Padua. Fully retractable and stored in an aluminum case, it takes less than a minute to extend the telescopic pole and unroll the St. Anthony banner. Each unit includes a nylon travel bag for storage and transport, making the banner stand an excellent tool for priests, professors, and missionaries who travel and spread devotion to St. Anthony and the Kingdom of Heaven.

In a gentle depiction, the beloved St. Anthony of Padua (13th century) is holding the Infant Jesus tenderly in his arms. Upon looking at his hands, the deep gravity of holding the King is shown, depicting St. Anthony's foundational fear of the Lord. Lilies are displayed in the corner, offering a sign of the purity of the Christ Child, which Anthony also emulated. Being a very effective preacher of the Gospel - preaching like a Dominican, even though he was a Franciscan! - it is fitting that he holds the Word of God closely to himself and near his ear that he may hear the word of eternal life whispered to him. According to Franciscan tradition and spirituality, it is also appropriate that this Saint is almost never pictured without the Child: St. Francis was deeply impressed by the poverty and generosity of God in His Incarnation, God Himself taking flesh as a dependent little baby. Such is the poverty that marks the Franciscan spirit, of which St. Anthony fully embraced - he fully embraced the Christ Child. "O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen."

From top-to-bottom, the banner stand measures approximately 78" tall when fully extended. In reality, the banner stand can be extended several inches more, but a total height of 78" is our recommendation for the best combination of visibility and stability.

( STAND-1409 )