Prayer for Fatherhood

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Dimensions shown below only apply to shipping dimensions. See product description for more information.

Height 4.50 (in)
Width 2.50 (in)
Depth 0.25 (in)
Availability Holy Cards can only be purchased in packs.

Holy cards featuring special prayers and beautiful artwork from our popular Prayers for the Family novena booklet! Order for your home, or send as gift today!

Offering prayers specifically for families around the world, these cards embrace the importance of marriage and the sanct ty of all life. The Prayers for the Family booklet is a response to Pope Francis's call to focus on the family.

The cards are 2½"x4.25" and are designed and printed by local workers in our shop here in Steubenville, OH.

"Prayer for Fatherhood

Eternal God, originator of Fatherhood, I offer to you the blessed office of Father. May the men who occupy this dignified place protect and care for their children and wives with valiant honesty, heroic chastity, noble humility, and stern sobriety.

Ignite a fire in the hearts of men, O God, so that they may respond to the Divine call to fatherhood, both natural and spiritual, and model themselves after the holy example of Blessed Joseph, Father of the Universal Church.

Through his intercession, may fathers be strengthened to flee from sin, subdue their flesh, wrestle with the powers of corruption, banish the darkness, and obtain victory over hell and its agents.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, sanctifier of all men, to the glory of God the Father.



( HC-SP2C )