SPANISH St. Teresa of Calcutta Commemorative Prayer Card

Mother Teresa
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Dimensions shown below only apply to shipping dimensions. See product description for more information.

Height 4.50 (in)
Width 2.50 (in)
Depth 0.05 (in)
Availability Holy Cards can only be purchased in packs.

Laminated pack: contains 25 cards.
Paper pack: contains 50 cards.

Witness to and celebrate your faith with this Spanish St. Teresa of Calcutta Commemorative Prayer Card! Celebrate this holy woman's canonization and order for yourself or as a perfect personal gift to a friend, relative, or religious who has a devotion to Mother Teresa! Our holy card displays a glowing image of Christ's servant and spouse, who gave her life to love Jesus in the poorest of the poor, and includes a prayer in thanksgiving for her Sainthood. This special commemorative holy card includes a new coat of arms designed in celebration of St. Teresa of Calcutta's canonization, symbolizing Mother Teresa's vocation to love and service: the blue shield (Marian color) with three stripes represents the Missionaries of Charity habit, modeled after a sari that poor sweeper women would wear; Jesus' words in the Gospel of John, "I thirst," encompass Mother Teresa's mission to quench Christ's thirst for souls, which she had written beside the main chapel crucifix of the Missionaries of Charity; the flame of love depicts Mother Teresa's burning love for Jesus and her intense dedication to serving Jesus despite spiritual dryness; and a cross with a heart symbolizes her frequent medit tion on Jesus' love and thirst for souls, especially while hanging upon the cross, and her order's mission to con ole the heart of Jesus through authentic love of neighbor.

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta entered a contemplative religious order as a young woman in 1928. After being fully professed, she received a "call within a call" to serve those on the streets of India, still remaining consecrated to God. As many young women followed her to serve the poor, the group eventually was approved by the Vatican to become the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa traveled the world, spreading her mission of love. Despite receiving great honors from the world, her joy and mission still flowed from her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

These holy cards measure 2.5" by 4.25" and are designed and printed in our shop here in Steubenville, OH.

Teresa de Calcuta

nacido: 26 de agosto de 1910
fundo su orden: 7 de octubre de 1950
murio: 5 de septiembre de 1997
beatificado: 19 de octubre de 2003

Oh Dios eterno,
que usas al debil para liderar al fuerte,
que derribas al poderoso
y enalteces al humilde,
la Iglesia se regocija por la canonizacion
de la Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta.

Por su humilde servicio al mas Pobre de
los Pobres, y por su incondicional
defensa de la vida de los no nacidos,
se convirtio en un bastion de la cultura
de la vida.

Te pedimos, oh Senor, que su celestial
intercesiony su terrenal ejemplo
continuen bendictiendo al mundo,
ahora y siempre.


( HC-SP948A )