Quick View "Every Difference of Opinions" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Thomas Jefferson: "Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle". The inside is blank... Pick Options
Quick View "I Cannot Live Without Books" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Thomas Jefferson: "I cannot live without books". The inside is blank. Printed on heavy cardstock, this 4... Pick Options
Quick View "I Hold It" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Thomas Jefferson: "I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing".. The inside is... Pick Options
Quick View "We Hold These Truths" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Thomas Jefferson: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are... Pick Options
Quick View "All Persons Shall Have" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Thomas Jefferson: "All persons shall have the full and free liberty of religious opinion". The inside is... Pick Options
Quick View "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty, or give me death". The inside is blank. Printed on heavy cardstock, this... Pick Options
Quick View "If This Be Treason" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from Patrick Henry: "If this be treason, make the most of it" The inside is blank. Printed on heavy cardstock,... Pick Options
Quick View "All Power Is Vested In" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from George Mason: "All power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people..." The inside is blank... Pick Options
Quick View "To Disarm The People" Greeting Card $3.00 Send thanks, congratulations, greetings, and more to friends and family with these Patriotic greeting cards! The front features the quote from George Mason: "To disarm the people - that was the best and most effective way to enslave them.". The... Pick Options