Queen of the Angels Christmas Cards

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Height 7.00 (in)
Width 5.00 (in)
Depth 1.25 (in)

Share the joy of the Christmas Season with these beautiful Christmas cards! All 25 cards are reproductions of the masterpiece "Queen of the Angels" by William Adolphe Bouguereau. Each 5"x7" card comes with an envelope and features a greeting and inspirational quote sure to warm the hearts of friends and family!

Inside Text:
Wishing you a most blessed and merry Christmas Season!

Hail Dawn-Herald!
Brightest of Angels!
Over the middle-earth
sent unto men,
Most righteous gleam
of the bounteous sun,
Radiant beyond the stars above.
All times and seasons
Thou dost illumine
out of thy innermost depths.
If Thou, O God from God,
begotten of old before the ages,
Son of the Father,
has lived forever
Amid the glories of heaven,
now thine own handiwork
Bids Thee in boldness
to bestow upon us
This brightest of suns,
in the time of our need,
To enlighten us who long since,
have dwelt in perpetual night,
Enfolded in darkness and mist,
and who have endured
The shades of death and sin.

Cynewulf (c. 800)
From "The Advent Lyrics"

( STC-C65 )