Stained Glass Spiritual Bouquet Greeting Card

Spiritual Bouquet
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Height 7.00 (in)
Width 5.00 (in)
Depth 0.30 (in)

Share prayers and blessings with a loved one with our Sacred Heart Spiritual Bouquet Greeting Card! On the front, a stained glass window of hands together in prayer surrounded by roses is shown. Remind yourself to pray for loved ones, and remind your loved ones that you are praying for them.

This 5"x7" card comes with envelopes and is available in a bundle of 6. It is the perfect personal touch to a birthday, Sacrament, or "out-of-the-blue" gift!

Front Text:
"A Spiritual Bouquet; The Lord bless you, and keep you... - Number 6:24."

Inside Right Text:
I want you to know
how much I appreciate you.
Please accept this Spiritual Bouquet
in which I commit to pray for your
intentions. May God always keep
watch over you and continue
to bless all that you do.

( STC-SB3X )